United with Israel

Knesset Approves Bill to Ensure Jerusalem Remains United

Jerusalem flag

Israel celebrates 50 years of Jerusalem's reunification. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Israeli lawmakers are advancing a law to ensure that Jerusalem remains the undivided capital of the Jewish state. 

A bill that would require a special majority of 80 Members of Knesset to approve any Israeli withdrawal from parts of Jerusalem as part of a diplomatic agreement was advanced on Sunday at the Knesset’s Ministerial Committee for Legislation.

In most cases, a standard majority of 61 votes is required to pass a bill. The proposed United Jerusalem Bill aims to ensure that ceding territory in Jerusalem would require the support of 80 lawmakers – three quarters of the Knesset.

The bill, unanimously approved by the Committee, would effectively make the possibility of partitioning Jerusalem almost impossible with Israel’s current political makeup.

“The United Jerusalem Law that has passed at the Knesset Legislation Committee will prevent any possibility of partitioning Jerusalem,” said Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, leader of the Jewish Home political party, which is sponsoring the bill.

“Solidarity over the United Jerusalem Law will strengthen our position in the world and will prevent future pressure on Israel,” Bennett explained. “Our capital city has twice been saved from the partition disaster led by [former Prime Ministers] Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak, when they temporarily held a Knesset majority. It’s over,” he said.

Considering that two recent prime ministers had offered to divide Jerusalem, “We must prevent a priori any attempt to harm Israel’s capital,” Jewish Home Knesset faction leader Shuli Moalem-Refaeli declared.

“The current coalition makeup provides an opportunity to pass the law,” she added.

By: United with Israel Staff
TPS contributed to this report.

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