United with Israel

Knesset Unveils Cutting-Edge Technology for Disabled

Yuli Edelstein

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein tries one of the accessibility devices. (Knesset)

Knesset Speaker Edelstein hopes this exceptional program will serve as an example for all other institutions in Israel.

The Knesset unveiled on Tuesday an accessibility information and service station near the Kedma Wing’s lobby, where information on accessibility in the Knesset is available to disabled visitors.

The unique program was unveiled as part of the events marking International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The station offers a variety of assistive devices which make it easier for the disabled to find their way around the Knesset building.

The devices include a tactile map for the visually-impaired, smart glasses which can identify faces and interpret written information and relay the text via an earpiece, wheelchairs and magnifying glasses.

A tablet computer and a hearing loop system are also located at the station as an alternative means of communication with service representatives.

In addition, the Knesset posted on its website in Hebrew, Arabic, English and Russian, a video with subtitles showing all the information on accessibility in the Knesset: access routes, tours for disabled persons given by the Knesset Visitors Center, and all the assistive devices available for disabled persons visiting the Knesset Building.

The Knesset website has also been made accessible to people with various disabilities.

Knesset Undergoes Changes to Assist Disabled

Over the past year, as part of the efforts to make the Knesset as accessible as possible to all, wheelchair lifts have been installed throughout the building, the elevators and staircases have been made accessible, the entrances and passages have been improved, and disabled parking spaces have also been made available.

“I instructed Knesset staff to make every effort so that the Knesset will be a leader in the accessibility field,” Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein said.

“I expect that in the area of accessibility, as in all other areas, we will not only legislate for others, but also serve as an example for every other institution in the State of Israel. It is particularly important that a message of equality and accessibility come out of the Knesset,” he added.

Knesset Director-General Albert Sakharovich commented, “In addition to being the legislative branch, this House is also the People’s House, and as such it should be open to all citizens of the State of Israel, in a full and equal manner. We have gone to great lengths this past year to allow full and convenient entry to all those who visit this house.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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