United with Israel

Mossad Director Threatens to Exact Price from Iran ‘in the Heart of Tehran’

Mossad chief David Barnea

Mossad chief David Barnea. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

“Any harm done to any Israeli or Jew in any way whatsoever, via proxy or Iranian alike, will elicit a response against the Iranians who dispatched the terrorists and the policymakers who authorized the terror units.”

By United with Israel Staff and Associated Press

The head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency on Sunday said that Israel is prepared to strike “in the heart of Tehran” to track down the perpetrators of what he said were over two dozen Iranian attempts to hit Israeli and Jewish targets around the world.

Speaking at a security conference, David Barnea said that Israel and its allies had foiled 27 attacks over the past year in Europe, Africa, southeast Asia and South America.

“The plots being pursued by these teams were orchestrated, masterminded and directed by Iran,” Barnea told the conference at Reichman University.

“We watch with concern as global terror raises its evil head. We are witnessing a significant increase in attempts to attack Jews and Israelis worldwide and as we speak, we continue to track Iranian and proxy teams.”

“The time has come to exact a different kind of price than before,” he said. “Our message is loud and clear, and determined: Make no mistake, those of you who decided to dispatch the teams. Be assured that we will get to you, and justice will be done for all to see. This has been proven in the past, and in the future, we will ramp it up to the next level.”

Barnea emphasized the price that will be exacted from Iran, including the Iranian leadership, for its attempts to attack Jews and Israelis. “I would like to take advantage of this podium to state that any harm done to any Israeli or Jew in any way whatsoever, and I mean in any way whatsoever, via proxy or Iranian alike, will elicit a response against the Iranians who dispatched the terrorists and the policymakers who authorized the terror units. I mean what I say. The price will be exacted from deep inside Iran, in the heart of Tehran.” he said.

Barnea showed a video exposing Iran’s involvement in terrorism around the world, including the confessions of terrorists who were sent to attack Israelis and Jews by official Iranian intelligence and security organizations. Barnea emphasized that Iran can no longer hide its terror involvement behind non-Iranian operations.

“The Iranian regime is no longer able to deny its involvement, and most importantly, it has no immunity,” he said.

Regarding the dialogue between Iran and the West on Iran’s nuclear activity, Barnea emphasized, “We can never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon, and it will not be allowed to do so. The international community must stand firm against Iran. The international community must not accede to a situation in which what separates Iran from military-grade enrichment is a decision alone.”

The Mossad Director stressed the major importance of forming a united front against Iran to restrain it in all spheres and exact from it an economic, diplomatic and legal price for its nuclear activity, its actions in the region and for terrorism.

He also commented on the reasons that have led the Iranian regime to have a higher sense of confidence in the past year, including the arms deals that Iran has carried out with Russia and the repression of the hijab protests. In turn, he explained, “The more Iran’s self-confidence increases, the greater become its efforts to orchestrate terror all over the world, based on its belief that the price it will have to pay will be manageable.”

Israel considers Iran to be its greatest enemy, citing Iran’s calls for Israel’s destruction and its support for hostile militant groups on Israel’s borders. Israel also accuses Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapon — a charge Iran denies.

Iran has accused Israel of carrying out a number of deadly attacks on nuclear scientists and facilities inside Iran, though Israel rarely comments on such operations.



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