United with Israel

Muslim Reform Movement Calls for Defeat of Islamism

Muslim Reform Movement

Members of the Muslim Reform Movement announced their Declaration for Reform on Friday. (Gatestone)

The new Muslim Reform Movement aims to defeat Islamism and to “transform” Muslim communities based on the principles of peace, human rights and secular governance.

A group of progressive Muslims announced on Friday a new initiative – the Muslim Reform Movement, in which they reject calls for violence in the name of Islam and seek a renewal of their faith that would “defeat the ideology of Islamism, or Political Islam.”

These 14 influential leaders, based mostly in the US and Canada, but also in Western Europe, have created the “Declaration for Muslim Reform,” and they are inviting their coreligionists to join them in their quest for a “respectful, merciful and inclusive interpretation of Islam.”

“We are Muslims who live in the 21st century,” the Declaration reads. The goal, it explains, is to “transform” Muslim communities based on the principles of peace, human rights and secular governance.

To read more, click to the Gatestone Institute report here.

By: United with Israel Staff

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