United with Israel

Nearly 30% of Iranian Murder Cases Were ‘Honor Killings’: New York Times

Iranian women

Iranian women. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

Iran clearly has a serious problem: men who kill female relatives in cold blood to avenge so-called “family honor.”

By Elder of Ziyon via The Algemeiner

The New York Times has a good article about the horrible “honor killing” of a 14-year old girl by her father, because she had a boyfriend she wanted to marry.

In Iran, 13-year-old girls can marry with their parents’ permission.

Buried in the middle of the article, though, is an astonishing statistic: ” Honor killings are thought to be rare but that may be because they are usually hushed up. A 2019 report by a research center affiliated with Iran’s armed forces found that nearly 30% of all murder cases in Iran were honor killings of women and girls. The number is unknown, however, as Iran does not publicly release crime statistics.”

According to one set of statistics I saw online, the intentional murder rate in Iran is roughly 2.5 per hundred thousand. That would come out to an incredible 600 women murdered for “honor” every year in Iran — more than one a day.

The Times doesn’t link to the study. But Iran clearly has a serious problem with honor killings (that is, if the ruling regime even sees it as a problem).


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