In a meeting with US Senator Rob Portman, Prime Minister Netanyahu again warned of the dangerous nuclear deal with Iran, saying the world needs a better, safer solution.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu again expressed his deep concerns regarding the framework nuclear deal between the P5+1 powers and Iran when he met on Sunday with US Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), who chairs the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Netanyahu welcomed him “in that spirit of friendship between Israel and the United States,” even though the allied countries “have differences of view.”
“We think that the goal of the Iran deal should not be just to reach any deal. It should be to block Iran’s path to the bomb. And to block Iran’s path to the bomb, we need a deal that prevents Iran from having what is given to it in Lausanne,” he stated.
The Lausanne framework agreement gives Iran a vast nuclear infrastructure that is unnecessary for civilian nuclear energy. According to such a deal, Iran would have the ability within a decade or so to produce fuel for dozens of nuclear bombs with virtually no breakout time. With the removal of sanctions, Iran’s coffers would be filled within a very short time with tens of billions of dollars to fuel its aggression and its terrorism, “and this under international legitimacy”, the Israeli leader explained.
“I have to tell you as the Prime Minister of Israel responsible for Israel’s security, it endangers Israel, it endangers the region, it endangers the world, the entire world in my opinion. So I think it’s very important to insist on a better deal,” Netanyahu said.
By: Max Gelber, United with Israel
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