United with Israel

No Free Nose Job for Palestinian Prisoner Injured in her Own Terror Attack

plastic surgeon


“Disabled IDF veterans … are not eligible for plastic surgery if it isn’t strictly for medical reasons. Does it make any sense, then, that a terrorist who plots to hurt and kill us, should receive that service?”

By Pesach Benson, United with Israel

A Palestinian woman who was injured in the face while carrying out a terror attack in 2015 was denied a state-funded nose job by the Israeli Prison Service, Kan News reported on Tuesday.

Asra’a Jabas, now 38, is serving an 11-year sentence for a failed suicide bombing attempt. She blew up a gas balloon in her car at a security checkpoint near Maale Adumim in October 2015 injuring her and police officer Moshe Hen.

Jabas — who was found with handwritten notes praising martyrdom — was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem for treatment.

According to Kan, Jabas has repeatedly demanded state funding to reconstruct her nose. An appeal to the Supreme Court prompted the Israeli Prison Service to re-examine the request.

When Hen and his lawyer learned of Jabas’s appeal, they lobbied Public Security Minister Omer Barlev and the Prisons Service not to use state money to fund Jabas’s nose job.

Israeli law makes all prisoners eligible for medical treatment when required for health. However, the state does not cover the cost of cosmetic treatments.

Kan added that Jabas has already gone through two operations to reconstruct her palms.

Hen told Israeli radio station 103FM he was happy to hear the news.

“Disabled IDF veterans – properly recognized as such by the state – are not eligible for plastic surgery if it isn’t strictly for medical reasons. Does it make any sense, then, that a terrorist who plots to hurt and kill us, should receive that service?,” he said.

“It makes sense to provide this service for life-saving situations, but for a cosmetic operation?”

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