United with Israel

‘Now is the Time to Buy Local,’ Rivlin Stresses in Independence Day Greeting

Reuven Rivlin

President Reuven Rivlin delivers annual Yom Ha'atzmaut address, Apr. 28, 2020. (Youtube/Screenshot)

During the most difficult time, Israelis have always maintained a feeling of “togetherness,” the president said, urging citizens to help strengthen the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, will be celebrated differently than ever before in the 72-year history of the modern Jewish State.

In his greeting to the citizens of Israel on the occasion, President Reuven Rivlin recalls the events surrounding the establishment of the State of Israel, when he was a mere child.

Over the years, in the more difficult times, Israelis always shared a feeling of “togetherness.” Amid the coronavirus, he adds, Israelis will continue to celebrate the joyous occasion, despite the challenges.

He also urges the population to buy “local” in order to strengthen the Israeli economy.


Donate to the Corona Emergency Relief Fund. Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on the people of Israel. The poor, elderly and ill are most vulnerable.

Israeli soldiers, security officers and medical care providers operate under great danger and risk to life.

Over 1 million Israelis are out of work. Many cannot make ends meet. We provide financial aid, food, medical supplies and more. Funds are distributed where needed most. The time to act is now!

United with Israel extends a special note of appreciation to the Genesis Prize for their generous support.


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