United with Israel

NY Machete Attack: Islamist Slashed Police Over ‘US Support for Israel’

Weapon used to attack three NYPD police officers

Weapon used to attack three NYPD police officers. (NYPD via AP)

After Trevor Bickford was arrested, he cited the U.S.’ support for Israel as a factor motivating his New Year’s Eve machete attack in Midtown Manhattan.

By United with Israel Staff

According to prosecutors in New York City, the 19-year-old assailant who committed a horrific, unprovoked attack on policemen on New Year’s Eve this year was motivated by Islamic beliefs.

The case prosecutors’ are building accuse Trevor Bickford of arriving in New York for the purposes of “carry[ing] out jihad.”

The Maine resident has been charged with attempted murder for attacking multiple officers with a machete near Times Square.

In addition to allegedly shouting “Allahu Akbar” before the onslaught, Bickford also told prosecutors that “all government officials” were fair game for attacks “as they cannot be proper Muslims because the United States government supports Israel.”

According to the statement Bickford gave police, he “walked up and hit [an officer] over the head with a kukri [sword]” and “charged another officer, but dropped the knife and…tried to get the police officer’s gun but couldn’t.”

During the incident, Bickford allegedly struck two officers on the head, after which another officer shot the assailant in the shoulder, effectively halting the attack.

According to Assistant District Attorney Lucy Nicholas, Bickford intended “to kill people,” justifying the attempted murder charge.

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