United with Israel

NY Teacher Fired for Anti-Israel Vitriol, Obscene Gesture at Rabbis

Anti-Israel teacher Jenna (J.B.) Bragge

Anti-Israel teacher Jenna (J.B.) Bragger. (screenshot)

The history teacher accused Israel of “ethno-nationalist settler colonialism” and “flipped the bird” at guest speakers during a school assembly.


Fieldston, an elite New York educational institution already criticized for failing to address growing anti-Semitism on its campus, has fired a teacher for anti-Israel social-media posts and making an obscene gesture at guest speakers during a school assembly, according to a report by the New York Post.

History teacher Jenna (JB) Brager, who is Jewish, accused Israel of exemplifying “ethno-nationalist settler colonialism” in response to Fieldston inviting two pro-Israel rabbis, Ammiel Hirsch and Joshua Davidson, in the aftermath of the school receiving backlash over inviting Columbia University Law School adjunct Kayum Ahmed.

Ahmed told students at an assembly on Nov. 21 that “Jews who suffered in the Holocaust and established the State of Israel today—they perpetuate violence against Palestinians that [is] unthinkable.”

“For a school assembly on anti-Semitism, SURE GO AHEAD and invite two white men who run Reform congregations, both of whom are Zionists, one that wrote that the ‘most insidious strain [of American anti-Semitism] is that of anti-Zionist intersectionality [on the far-left],” said Brager, who also tweeted that Zionists weren’t welcome at her birthday party.

According to the Post report, Brager “was caught flipping the bird at the two invited rabbis during the Thursday assembly.”

In a statement to the Post, Fieldston said it “does not comment on personnel matters. We can reaffirm, however, that the school does not tolerate hurtful, offensive or exclusionary content or comments from any member of the community.”

“Students, parents, employees and other members of our community all face consequences for misbehavior of this nature,” added the school.

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