United with Israel

O’ Canada, What is Happening to You?

Oh Canada, our home and native land, is the first line of the Canadian national anthem. Canada, what is happening to you?

Although my family and I have lived in Israel for the past 20 years, Canada was the country that I was born, raised, got married and had my children in.

I refer to myself as a Canadian Israeli. When Israelis hear that I am from Canada, many say to me. ”You are so lucky. Canada is wonderful. Why would you ever leave”?

My answer is: “Yes, I was privileged to be born in a country that allows me to live my life as I wish, but Israel is our G-D given homeland and where my heart is.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his government have proven to be Israel’s true friends and we appreciate all this support.

Last week, when I heard about the two separate terror attacks, my heart sank.

The first attack was in Quebec on Monday [Oct. 20th], when two Canadian soldiers were hit by a car driven by Martin Couture-Rouleau, a 25-year-old Canadian who, as The Globe and Mail reported, “converted to Islam recently and called himself Ahmad Rouleau.” One of the soldiers died, as did Couture-Rouleau when he was shot by police upon apprehension after allegedly brandishing a large knife.

In the second attack two days later in Ottawa Canada’s Capital, an unarmed soldier, Cpl. Nathan Cirillo from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders died after being shot while on sentry duty at the National War Memorial guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Once again, a recent convert to Islam, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau from Quebec was the shooter and after he attempted an attack in the Canadian Parliament building, he was killed by the sergeant-at-arms of the parliament Kevin Vickers, who was called the hero of the day.

Had the terrorist made his way in the parliament chambers where all the members of parliament [MP] were, this terror attack could have been much more tragic.

All I could think of was… Canada what is happening to you?  Why are you allowing radical Islamic applicants to come to your shores, learn in your universities and set up secret terror cells.

They are brainwashing misguided and troubled Canadian youths to convert and become homegrown terrorist.

Canada, I fear for you.  I have a friend who lives in Ottawa. The day of the terror attack at the Parliament building, I sent her a note asking if she and her family were okay. She answered me, today, we in Ottawa experienced what you in Israel experience on a daily bases.a terror attack on our capital building, soldier murdered in cold blood , another injured, schools and universities on lockdown and in general the information changing from minute to minute.

My dear Canada, I read that you have now raised the terror alert and that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] calls for more powers to restrict movement of terrorist suspects.

Canada, the land of my birth, the land that my father a”H served during WW2, please stay safe…………

That’s all for now. Feel free to comment and share.


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