United with Israel

PA Official Threatens to Expose U.S. as ‘Enemy’

palestinian motive

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki (Photo: Issam Rimawi/FLASH90)

The Palestinians are again blaming the U.S. for their problems, threatening to expose them as “the main enemy.”

Abbas Zakin confronts Israeli security forces. (Photo: Issam Rimawi / Flash90)

A Palestinian Authority (PA) senior official has threatened to launch an international campaign to expose the United States as the world’s leading nemesis.

In a recent TV interview on Russia Today, Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki called the U.S. the “head of the serpent,” adding, “we will start an international campaign to show that the U.S. is the main enemy,” MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) reports.

Zaki was discussing the PA’s celebrations marking the 50th anniversary since its first terror attack against Israel ,when he stated: “In our meeting today, after lighting a torch to mark 50 years of armed struggle, we will ratify a new strategy, which views the U.S. as the head of the serpent.”

Zaki further threatened the U.S. that “unless the U.S. changes its positions, it will pay the price, because it is high time that we stopped being held captive by this unjust situation.”

Zaki announced that the PA will stop relying upon Washington in the negotiations, blaming the U.S. for the Palestinians’ problems. “We were driven to the [UN] Security Council by our despair and by our inability to continue to tolerate the crimes that go unpunished during the U.S.-led peace negotiations.”


He then concentrates his ire on Israel: “Israel has gone too far in its defiling of our holy places, its plundering of our land, and its killing of our people. While Israel is committing crimes, all that the U.S. is capable of doing is to exert pressure on the Palestinians. This is unacceptable. There must be an international campaign [to make] the world know that the U.S. is the enemy. The U.S. gives Israel and its extremists the power to exercise their fanaticism.”

In conclusion, Zaki states again that the PA will start an international campaign “to show that the U.S. is the main enemy, denying our right and giving Israel all that it wants. It is high time that the American people do something, and stop being a milk-cow for the crimes of Israel.”

Repeatedly Complaining about the U.S.

This is not the first time a PA official has blamed the U.S. for the Palestinians troubles.

Nabil Shaath, a member of Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Central Committee, a former PA minister and senior negotiator with Israel, told the official PA TV in December that the problems in the Middle East stem from its “occupation” by the United States.

Shaath lamented what he described as “the weakness and feebleness from which the Arabs suffer, because of their domestic problems, because of the American occupation of Iraq, and its ramifications for Iraq and Syria, and because of the American occupation of Afghanistan, which gave rise to Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and so on.”

By: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel

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