United with Israel

PA Wishes to ‘Hang’ Netanyahu?

Incitement to violence by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party has been increasing daily. The latest, posted on Facebook Monday morning, was a photo of Prime Minister Netanyahu facing a noose.

In the latest of a series of violent posts against Israelis, the Palestinian Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas, posted on Facebook a photo of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing a noose. The word “soon” is inscribed in both Hebrew and Arabic.

The posting was done following a PA announcement that it had applied for membership in the International Criminal Court, hoping to sue the State of Israel for war crimes.

Last week, Fatah posted a photo of skulls painted with Stars of David on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization.

In the summer, during the search for three abducted teenagers – Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel – who were later found murdered by Hamas terrorists, Fatah’s Facebook page celebrated the capture of the boys with a cartoon comparing them to rats.

Terror attacks against Israelis have been on the rise in Jerusalem following a wave of PA incitement. Abbas, for example, declared in October – in a speech directed at worshipers at the al-Aqsa mosque – that Jews must be prevented from visiting the Temple Mount “by any means possible.”

On Sunday morning, at the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said that it is Abbas and the PA that should be taken to court and that Israel may proceed in that direction.

By United with Israel Staff

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