United with Israel

Palestinian Governor: Terrorists ‘Perfume Ground with Scent of Their Blood ‘

District Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam

Laila Ghannam.(Screenshot)

Palestinian terrorists, who “perfume the ground with the scent of their blood,” are role models for Palestinian society, declared the Governor of Ramallah. 

District Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam declared that the Palestinians will stay faithful to the “path” of the “martyrs,” whose blood “perfumes the ground.”

During a visit to the “monument in memory of the martyrs” on the Muslim holiday Eid Al-Adha earlier this month, together with representatives of the Palestinian security forces, Ghannam glorified the so-called Palestinian Shahids (martyrs), the majority of whom are terrorists killed during their attacks against Israelis. Ghannam thanked the eliminated terrorists for “perfuming the ground with the scent of their blood,” which was “spilled for the epic of struggle whose title is Palestine.”

According to a report on the event by WAFA, the official PA news agency, Ghannam emphasized that the Palestinian “martyrs will always remain in our hearts and souls, and we will all remain loyal to their path until we are liberated from the occupation and realize everything for which they died as martyrs.”

A few days earlier, while Ghannam was seeing off families of “martyrs” leaving to Mecca, she “asked that Allah have mercy on the souls of their sons who have saturated the land of Palestine with the fragrance of their blood,” praising “the virtues of the martyrs who gave their blood for the homeland,” reported Donia Al-Watan, an independent Palestinian news agency.

Palestinian Media Watch has documented Ghannam as an avid supporter of terrorist murderers. On the morning after murderer Muhannad Halabi killed two Israelis in the Old City of Jerusalem in October 2015, and terrorist Fadi Alloun stabbed and wounded another Israeli – with both terrorists killed by Israeli soldiers during their attacks – Ghannam posted on Facebook the following “poem” in praise for these “martyrs”:

“Palestine’s morning

A morning fragranced by the blood of the martyrs (Shahids)

The morning of wounded Jerusalem

Have a morning of pride and honor.”

PMW has also documented the Palestinians’ almost cult-like fascination with the “blood of the martyrs.”

When Fatah’s Bethlehem Branch and the Taqua Municipality invited people to participate in a “eulogy rally for heroic martyr Muhammad Tanouh,” a terrorist, who attempted to stab Israeli soldiers, the invitation blessed the “righteous martyrs” with “glory and eternal life” while stressing that by participating, people would show their “loyalty to the martyrs’ blood.”

When Israel removed its security measures from the Temple Mount following violent Palestinian riots and attacks and the murder of two Israelis, an article in the official PA daily stated that “Jerusalem won,” “thanks to the blood of those who died as martyrs.”

Using the same rhetoric as PA official Ghannam, a PA TV news reporter this summer covering the death of four Palestinian terrorists who had attacked Israeli police officers and soldiers with guns and knives, stated that “the blood of the three martyrs had not dried when the blood of another martyr watered the ground of the homeland.”

By: PMW and United with Israel Staff

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