United with Israel

Palestinian Stabbings Cause Jewish Blood to Flow in the Streets of Jerusalem

Henkin funeral

Thousands attend funeral Friday of murdered parents Eitam and Naama Henkin (Yonatan SIndel/Flash90)

An upsurge of Palestinian terror attacks against Jews during Sukkot has killed 4 innocent Israelis and orphaned 14 children. As Jewish blood flows in the streets of Jerusalem, the Palestinians are celebrating, calling the terrorists “heroes.”

A series of deadly Palestinian attacks shook Jerusalem, sparking protests, demonstrations and tension throughout the capital.

On Saturday night – a day after the burial of Eitam and Naama Henkin, who were murdered Thursday evening in Samaria on their way home from Sukkot festivities, in the presence of their children – a Palestinian terrorist stabbed four Israelis in the Old City, killing two men. The victims were Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, 41, a father of seven, and Aharon Bennett, 24, a father of one.

Bennett’s wife Adele and their baby were also wounded in the attack.

Nineteen-year-old Muhannad Halabi from nearby Ramallah in the Palestinian Authority (PA) territories carried out the attack, which took place near the Lion’s Gate of the Old City. Following the stabbing, the terrorist grabbed a gun from one of his victims and started shooting at security forces, who responded and shot him dead.

In another incident early Sunday morning, a Palestinian terrorists stabbed a 15-year-old Israeli near the Old City of Jerusalem in the chest. He survived the attack and is being treated at a Jerusalem hospital. Police forces shot and killed the terrorist.

The Palestinian Authority not only refused to condemn any of the recent terrorist attacks, but also dubbed the Old City stabber, who murdered two Israeli civilians, a “hero.”

The incidents sparked major demonstrations on Saturday evening, with Israelis protesting the deteriorating security in the city and demanding harsh measures to stop the frequent attacks.

On Sunday, October 4, Israel announced it would restrict access to the Old City for two days. During this period access will be granted only to Israeli citizens, residents of the Old City, tourists, business owners working in the area and students studying there.

In response to the heightened security measures, the PA denounced what it termed a “policy of escalation” by “Israeli occupation authorities against our people in ‘occupied Jerusalem’ and the West Bank,” Palestinian media reported.

The outburst of violence follows PA leader Abu Mazen’s speech at the UN General Assembly in which he declared he was “no longer bound” by the Oslo Accords and claimed that Israel will “bear all its responsibilities”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the speech “deceitful and inciting violence”.

On Sunday, October 4, Netanyahu slammed the Palestinian leadership for calling the Old City terrorist a “hero.” “Look at the ‘moderates’ at the Palestinian Authority, our alleged peace partner,” said Netanyahu. “We are fighting a bitter war on terror, and we shall do so vigorously”.

The two victims of Saturday night’s attacks, Rabbi Nechemia Lavi and Aharon Bennett, were laid to rest on Sunday in Jerusalem’s Har Hamenuchot cemetery.

By: Michael Bachner, Tazpit News Agency and United with Israel staff

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