United with Israel

Palestinian Survey Finds Continued Support for Terror

released terrorist

released terrorist (Jamal Awad/FLASH90)

52% of Palestinians approve of ‘armed struggle’ against Israel, according to survey.

By Baruch Yedid/TPS

Palestinian public opinion continues to approve of terror and “armed resistance” against Israel, while dissatisfaction with the Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas continues to soar.

According to a survey released by the Palestinian Center for Policy and and Survey Research on Wednesday, an overwhelming 71% expressed their backing for armed terror groups, believing that they should operate independently without supervision or intervention from the Palestinian Authority. In contrast, 23% opposed the phenomenon. However, 55% of respondents expressed concerns about armed conflicts between these groups and Palestinian security forces.

Moreover, 86% believed that the Palestinian Authority has no right to act against the members of these terror groups while 80% of the respondents said they were opposed to the members of the armed groups handing themselves over to the PA.

When analyzing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, respondents highlighted Hamas-Fatah divisions as the greatest danger to the Palestinians (35%), followed closely by the Israeli “occupation” (32%).

Support for a two-state solution remained low, with only 28% in favor, while 70% opposed it. Additionally, 52% of Palestinians viewed armed struggle in Israel as the most effective means of ending the Israeli “occupation” and establishing a Palestinian state, while 21% supported achieving these goals through negotiations, and 22% preferred “popular resistance.”

Discontent with the Palestinian Authority leadership has risen to alarming levels for PA President Mahmoud Abbas. 80 percent of the respondents said they were not satisfied with his leadership, 69% demand that general elections be held “soon. However, a substantial 67% said they do not believe elections will be held in the near future.

Palestinians have not held national elections since 2005 and Abbas is now in the 18th year of what was supposed to be a four-year term. Since then, Abbas has cancelled several attempted elections amid Fatah-Hamas disagreements, most recently in 2021.

If Palestinian parliamentary elections were held today, Hamas would secure 34% of the votes, as opposed to 31% for Fatah.

In an election for the Palestinian presidency, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would receive 56% compared to the 33% for Abbas. However, Fatah’s Marwan Barghouti, currently serving five life sentences in Israel, would defeat Haniyeh with 57% of the vote. In a race between Haniyeh and Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shteyeh, Haniyeh would take 61% of the vote.

Regarding the Palestinian Authority itself, 50% of respondents believe it is in Palestinian interests to dissolve the PA with 61% calling it a “burden,” 84% believing it is corrupt, and 73% saying PA institutions run by Hamas in the Gaza Strip are also corrupt.

The results aligned with Hamas’s strong showing in student council elections at two Palestinian universities in May.

The survey of 1,270 adults had a margin of error of 3%.



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