United with Israel

Palestinians Attack 2 Israeli Buses, Injuring 5

Palestinian terror on Jerusalem Day

The front window of a bus in Judea and Samaria is shattered after Palestinian terror attack Sunday night. (Yakov Aflalo/TPS)

Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria continue to attack innocent Israeli civilians on a near-daily basis. This time, they attacked two buses, one carrying children. Five people were hurt.

A bus carrying Jewish schoolchildren was hit by iron projectiles while driving past the Palestinian town of Hawara in Samaria on Sunday night. The windshield was damaged, but no one was hurt.

At the same time, an Israeli public transportation bus was pelted with stones north of Jerusalem, near the Jewish community of Adam in the Benjamin region, lightly injuring five passengers, including the bus driver.

“Moments ago shots were fired at a civilian bus south of Nablus. No injuries reported. Forces are searching for the perpetrator,” stated the IDF Spokesperson’s unit shortly after the incident.

Sample of iron balls shot at Israeli civilian bus by Palestinian terrorists Sunday night. (IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF later discovered that, in fact, the bus was hit not by gunfire but by crude iron balls. “A forensic analysis reveals that the bus was struck by iron balls that apparently were not fired by a firearm,” said an IDF spokesperson on Monday morning.

This is the second time in two weeks that an Israeli school bus carrying children was attacked by Palestinian terrorists. Nearly two weeks ago, an Israeli school bus filled with about 50 tenth-grade boys was struck by bullets south of Jerusalem. No students were injured in either attack.

Sunday’s attacks occurred at the conclusion of Jerusalem Day, when Israelis celebrate the reunification of Jerusalem – in particular, the liberation of the Old City from Jordanian forces – during the Six Day War of 1967. Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, in commemoration of “Naksa Day” – Naksa is Arabic for “setback” – reiterated his demand for a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

By Michael Zeff, TPS and United with Israel Staff

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