United with Israel

Palestinians Celebrate ‘Killed Settler,’ Glorify Murder of Israeli Father of 6 


Palestinian supporters of the Fatah Movement on parade. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

“The result: a killed settler,” announced a sick Facebook post by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ political party.

By: United with Israel Staff

Only a few hours after Palestinian terrorists shot and murdered an Israeli man in a drive-by shooting near Shechem (Nablus) on Tuesday, the Palestinian Fatah faction, lead by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, glorified the murder in a post on Facebook, which presented the attack as a successful “operation.” The post used statistics and figures from the atrocity in a twisted attempt at humor.

“The Nablus operation in numbers: The full duration of the operation: 30 seconds. The distance between the cars: 20 meters. The number of bullets that were fired: 22. The one who carried out the operation was skilled and experienced, and escaped the site. The result: a killed settler,” the posted text read, according to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

Palestinian terrorists killed Raziel Shevach, a resident of Havat Gilad in northern Samaria, in a drive-by shooting on Tuesday night. Shevach, the father of six, was 35. The Palestinian terrorists who murdered Shevach fled the scene in their vehicle.

PMW noted that the Palestinians often refer to all Israelis and even tourists killed in terror attacks as “settlers.” For example, when US citizen Taylor Force was murdered by a terrorist in Tel Aviv in March 2016, PA TV news categorized the 11 injured Israelis and Taylor Force as “settlers.”

The Hamas terror group praised the attack, welcoming the “heroic act which serves as a response to Israel’s crimes against our people in the West Bank, in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa mosque. All plans to weaken our resistance will fail. Israel’s government bears responsibility for the ramifications and outcome of its racist and extreme policies.”

Hamas spokesman Hussam Badaran said the terror attack “was a slap in Israel’s face after [President Donald] Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”

‘Look No Further to Why There is No Peace’

In response to the attack, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman criticized the Palestinians, tweeting, “An Israeli father of six was killed last night in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists. Hamas praises the killers and PA laws will provide them financial rewards. Look no further as to why there is no peace.”

Nickolay Mladenov, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, stated after the attack that “there is no justification for terror and those who condone it, praise it or glorify it. This is not the path to peace! The perpetrators of yesterday’s attack must be brought to justice.”

Friedman was referring to a report released by Israel’s Defense Ministry on Tuesday, which detailed the Palestinian payment system to Palestinian terrorists and their families.

According to Palestinian law, the more heinous the act of terror committed, the greater the reward. Specifically, terrorists sentenced to three to five years in prison receive from the Palestinian government $580 per month, which equals the average Palestinian income. The PA pays terrorists sentenced to 20 years or more in prison over $2,800 per month.

The report shows that in 2017 alone, the Palestinian Authority (PA) compensated terrorists and their next of kin to the tune of more than $347 million.

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