United with Israel

Palestinians in Chile File Suit Against Israeli Judges Over Security Barrier

Security barrier

Security barrier(AP/Enric Marti)

The Palestinians never miss an attempt to slight Israel, even though they concede the attempt is doomed to fail.

Two lawsuits have been filed in Chile against three current or former Israeli Supreme Court justices for endorsing the construction of Israel’s security barrier and the alleged seizure of goods from Palestinians.

Chile’s Palestinian Federation filed a war crimes suit Monday against current Justices Uzi Vogelman and Neal Hendel and retired justice Asher Grunis, who was president of the court in 2012-15. The group argues that Chile’s international agreements allow for suits involving crimes against humanity committed in other countries.

A Chilean-Palestinian woman who owns land in the Cremisan Valley, which is near Bethlehem, filed a separate suit against the justices.

The lawyer representing her in the case, Nicolas Pavez, said the plaintiffs decided to sue in Chile after exhausting all avenues in Israel over the past eight years, leading to the Israel top court ruling on the legality of the barrier.

“The Supreme Court justices are accused of giving an appearance of legality to this wall that is illegal and that constitutes a war crime,” Pavez charged.

‘The Cynical Abuse of the Legal System’

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said the suit is yet another publicity stunt by the Palestinian Federation of Chile with no legal basis.

Chile’s Palestinian community is among the world’s largest, with about 350,000 immigrants and their descendants.

Chile in general has adopted an anti-Israel stance at international forums.

Nahshon condemned what he called “the cynical abuse of the legal system to advance a political agenda” and said he expects Chilean authorities will “not to give a hand to such abuse.”

Marcela Prieto Rudolphy, a Chilean attorney who specializes in human rights, said the suit is not likely to succeed.

“It’s impossible for prosecutors to carry out an investigation over acts carried out in another country,” she said. “Even if the case received a ruling, it would be impossible to carry it out.”

Israel began building the security barrier in 2002 in response to a wave of suicide bombings that murdered hundreds of people. Israel says the barrier is needed to keep out Palestinian terrorists. Palestinians claim the structure is an illegal land grab.

By: AP

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