United with Israel

Act Now for Israel to Prevent Another Goldstone Report!

Richard Goldstone

Richard Goldstone. (maozisrael.org)

Prevent a new Goldstone Report in condemnation of Israel for defending its own citizens as well as the entire Free World against Islamic terror! United with Israel encourages its readers to support this petition in defense of truth, justice and freedom! 

Pro-Israel advocate and author Bat-Zion Susskind-Sacks is among the leaders of an effort to prevent a new “Goldstone Report” condemning the Jewish State in the aftermath of the summer war with Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Susskind-Sacks is a member of the Knesset Steering Committee against De-legitimization, which – together with Im Tirzu (Hebrew for “If you will it,” a famous quote by Theodor Herzl, founder of the modern Zionist movement), an extra-parliamentary movement that works to strengthen and advance Zionist values in Israel – is aiming to prevent a new UN report slamming Israel for its war of defense against terror, known as Operation Protective Edge. She discussed this initiative with United with Israel.

In what she terms a “pre-emptive strike” in anticipation of the next Goldstone Report – in which South African Judge Richard Goldstein, as head of a United Nations fact-finding mission, accused Israel of committing war crimes in the 2008-2009 confrontation with Hamas in Gaza known as “Operation Cast Lead” (two years later, Goldstone acknowledged that he had erred) – Susskind-Sacks describes the current effort, which is working on three fronts, namely:

1. Helping Israeli residents in the Gaza belt, including major cities, to fill in forms of complaints on the infringement of their human rights, which will be submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council;

2. Signing a petition – launched by “Take a Pen,” a group of Israelis and Europeans fighting anti-Israeli media – calling to bring the Hamas leaders to trial for committing crimes against humanity, including Israelis as well as their own people. For example, according to documented evidence, Hamas uses innocent men, women and children as “human shields” in order to incriminate Israel for their injuries and deaths; and

3. Filing a lawsuit against Qatar for sponsoring, financing and abetting terror.

Goal Can be Achieved!

“We have already checked with some legal sources as well as contacts in the UN, who claim that is possible,” she explains. “We can seize their assets provided that we win and pay compensation to members of the Israeli southern communities for loss of life, property and income.”

Susskind-Sacks is hopeful that this goal can be achieved. The current scenario, in the wake of Operation Protective Edge, “does not have to end again like its predecessors,” she explains, referring to the typical Israel-bashing results of UN “fact-finding” missions.

“This time, through hard work and intensive proactive public discourse, we can ensure that – unlike in the past – justice is carried out.”

Support Truth, Justice and Freedom!

Col. Richard Kemp, former Commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan, is among prominent military experts who defend Israel’s war against Islamic terror not only to protect the Jewish state, but also in defense of the entire Free World. Regarding the Goldstone Report, he had stated:

“During its operation in Gaza, the Israeli Defense Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”

United with Israel encourages its readers to support this petition in defense of truth, justice and freedom. To sign, click HERE.

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