United with Israel

Prince Charles Hails ‘Israeli Genius’ During Jerusalem Visit

Prince Charles and the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Prince Charles and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

The prince participated in the Fifth World Holocaust Forum and met with a host of Israel’s technology leaders.

By United with Israel Staff

The UK’s Prince Charles met some of Israel’s technological wizards, cultural figures and business leaders at a reception Thursday at the residence of UK Ambassador to Israel Neil Wigan.

“[I]t’s been fascinating to hear about so many of the co-operative ventures that are taking place between both our countries, and from what I gather it sounds as though Israeli geniuses are maintaining the entire structure of the NHS [the UK’s National Health Service],” he said, Times of Israel reported. “Along with a great deal of other remarkable technology developments, research – I saw some very interesting ones just now – riveting developments and ingenious inventions.”

Much of the medicines used by the NHS stem from Israel, according to the Times report.

Charles chatted with Professor Hossam Haick, a specialist in nanotechnology applications in medicine at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Haick shared with the prince a prototype of his “Sniffphone,” a device that analyzes a person’s breath to detect a range of illnesses.

“It analyses breath and can detect 17 different types of disease from cancers to neuro-degenerative diseases,” the professor explained.

The prince enjoyed “water made from air” that was presented to him by Watergen’s Vce-President of Marketing Michael Rutman.

Charles was also shown a Tel Aviv University innovation that prints 3D hearts and HomeBiogas, a device that turns home waste into natural gas.

This was the prince’s first official visit to Israel. He came as part of the worldwide dignitaries who attended the Fifth World Holocaust Forum. He was in the country for the funerals of former prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.

The prince’s grandmother, Princess Alice, is buried in Jerusalem. She is recognized for saving a Jewish family in 1943 while living in Nazi-occupied Greece. His visit to Israel included a visit to her resting place.

“I feel a particular closeness not only because I am the same age as the State of Israel – having been born in 1948 – but also the fact my grandmother is buried on the Mount of Olives,” he said.

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