Mixed emotions: Before the celebration, participants visited the “car cemetery,” the Nova Music Festival grounds, and a kibbutz that was a main target for terrorists on Oct. 7.
By Terri Nir, United with Israel
Every year since 2011 (except for when COVID was in effect), United with Israel has organized and sponsored a lavish Chanukah party at an IDF base, where visitors celebrate the joyful holiday together with Israeli soldiers who are away from their families, serving the country and protecting all of us from dangerous enemies.

Lighting a Chanukah menorah made of Hamas rocket remains at the IDF base (Photo: Jared Bernstein)
The soldiers enjoy a beautiful catered meat dinner, sufganiyot (Chanukah donuts), music, and dancing, but most of all, they appreciate the warm atmosphere and the gratitude shown for their service. Knowing that we all love and appreciate them raises their morale.
UWI also brings gifts for the soldiers — not only treats but also practical items like warm winter jackets, thanks to UWI’s generous donors.
However, this year’s program was different — and profoundly emotional. Accompanied by Aryeh Kaplan of Israel First Hand Tours this past Monday, about 130 participants also visited the car graveyard at Moshav Tekuma, the Nova Music Festival grounds at the Re’im Forest, and Kibbutz Nirim, which was a main target for terrorists on Oct. 7.

Scene from the car graveyard at Moshav Tekuma (Photo: Jared Bernstein)
The car graveyard contains several hundred charred vehicles that were taken from Highway 232 (now dubbed “The Death Road”) and the site of the Nova Festival, including some that were pockmarked with many bullet holes. Victims were identified by DNA taken from the ashes.
At the Nova grounds, the visitors learned about the young victims and their hopes for the future. They prayed, and some interacted with grieving parents who were at the site and eager to share more about their loved ones whose lives were cut short.

A young woman, among the UWI visitors, prays at the site of the Nova Music Festival, Dec. 30, 2024. (Photo: Jared Bernstein)
Adele Raemer, a prominent member of Kibbutz Nirim who has been engaged in public advocacy for many years, tearfully told the visitors about her frightening ordeal throughout the day of the Hamas invasion and what happened to some of the other victims, including close friends who perished or were kidnapped.
Yet despite the horror, she and other members are determined to rebuild. Like the pioneers who established the kibbutz in 1946, “we, too, are pioneers,” she said, looking to the future. “Am Yisrael Chai (The People of Israel Live) – whether they like it or not.”
Dancing at the IDF base (Photo: Jared Bernstein)
The day was a mix of emotions, concluding with a festive Chanukah celebration at an army base with approximately 200 soldiers. The base — named Tzlil, in memory of one of the female soldiers killed on October 7, 2023, while observing the border — was established last February and is located close to Re’im.
The IDF commander at the base lit the Chanukah menorah — the same one that UWI uses every year, created by artist Yaron Bob out of fallen rockets that landed in Israel, turning darkness into light. The event then became very lively, with music and dancing.
Standing outside the base was another menorah made out of huge grenade shells, which the soldiers have been lighting throughout the eight-day holiday.
UWI founder Michael Gerbitz and his wife Bonnie hold a letter of appreciation from IDF Battalion 403 for support throughout the war. (Photo: Jared Bernstein)
“The feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive,” said UWI founder and director Michael Gerbitz.
“Together, we shared shocking scenes of destruction and heard personal stories from survivors and those who lost loved ones. We also shared beautiful moments of song, hope, rebuilding, and celebrating miracles of the past, present, and future. It was a profoundly emotional experience for everyone who attended. It was different this year.”
“Presenting soldiers with warm winter gear, food packages, and lots of love and encouragement was the least we could do for these brave young men and women who are on the front lines fighting for us all,” Gerbitz added.
“The soldiers truly appreciated our visit, and everyone left with a wonderful feeling of unity and purpose. There was a magical feeling that we are over the worst and good things are in store for the people and land of Israel in the very near future.”
Keep Israeli Soldiers Warm - Send Winter Jackets!
We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to defend the citizens of Israel.
Join us in sending winter care packages and personal notes of support to Israeli soldiers who are out in the cold all day.
Warm up a soldier's heart with essential winter wear including fleece jackets, hats, gloves and more. Keep an entire unit warm!