United with Israel

Proud to be Canadian. Proud to be Israeli

It was great! You shoulda’ been there!

proud to be canadian (Photo: UWI)

Ilana Ovadya (L) and Janice Rotman are proud to be Canadian and proud to be Israeli. (Photo: UWI)

Last night the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem hosted an Israeli-Canadian reunion, replete with Canadian kitsch (ranging from solemn flag pins to Tim Horton’s t-shirts to goofy Canada ties and flags) designed to express the solidarity of the government of Canada with Israel and Israelis.

The rally featured hundreds of people, including Canadian parliamentarians, diplomats and proud Canadian citizens. Some of us live here in Israel, and a remarkably large number live in Canada. The Canadians have come here to express their solidarity with Israelis in our times of trouble. That’s so Canadian.

Looking out at the scores of faces of my fellow Canadians, I felt proud. Proud to be Canadian. Proud to be Israeli. Proud to drink in the sense that the measured, honorable (oh, so Canadian) support emanating from these politicians of varied political backgrounds is so right, so brave (so Canadian).

Each speaker in turn talked about the correctness of the Israeli government and army in defending her citizens. About the lunacy of terror. Polite (very Canadian) applause was overtaken by the more hearty and heartfelt clapping of people who truly appreciated the delegation of visitors, Jews and non-Jews. These were people who saw fit to leave their busy routines and lives, on less than a week’s notice, in order to rush here to say to us, “We’re here, We’re with you.”.

Well, speaking as one of the gobsmacked, appreciative Canadian-Israelis/Israeli Canadians, I say, ”Kol HaKavod/ more power to you, thank you/todah rabba, rabba” for your principled help and for making me proud not just of where I am, but also from where I come.

Our defense is your defense. Democracy vs. fanaticism. Israel’s fight is the battle of the Free World against the darker forces of the unfree world.

O’ Canada, you protect us, and together, we all stand on guard for thee.

Thanks for the party. We all loved it.

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