United with Israel

Right-Wing Election Victory Could Bring Surge to Judea, Samaria Population

Daniella Weiss

Daniella Weiss (Michal Fattal/Flash90)

“Every boy and girl who grows up in this period should know after the victory of the right that the entire land of Israel is ours,” says Daniella Weiss.

By: United With Israel Staff

The strong showing by the right wing of Israeli politics in Tuesday’s Knesset election is giving hope to leading Israeli activists for communities in Judea and Samaria that the number of Jews living in the area will be allowed to increase significantly.

“The Likud and the right have succeeded and now they have to get to work and expand the entire area, to say ‘welcome’ to two million Jews in Judea and Samaria,” said Daniella Weiss, one of the leaders of the Nachala movement, in an interview with the Arutz Sheva news outlet.

Her movement says that it organizes groups of young couples whose goal is to establish new communities from northern Samaria to southern Judea.

“It is not enough to add housing units in existing communities, but rather to maintain legal state building throughout the entire area,” Weiss told Arutz Sheva, adding that “we also need to establish a bank that will provide comfortable mortgages for all the young couples who will come.”

Weiss expressed the hope that on the heels of his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, U.S. President Donald Trump would also recognize Israeli sovereignty in Shechem and Hebron, which Weiss referred to as “inalienable assets of the Jewish people.”

“Every boy and girl who grows up in this period should know after the victory of the right that the entire land of Israel is ours and we will no longer live in enclaves,” the settlement activist told Arutz Sheva.

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