United with Israel

Smartest Kid in the World Wants to Study in Startup Nation!

Laurent Simons and Emmanuel Nahshon

Laurent Simons (R) shakes hands with Israel Embassy in Belgium Ambassador Emmanuel Nahshon (Israeli Embassy in Belgium/Twitter)

Though sought by universities all over the world, the 9-year-old child prodigy has chosen Israel as the perfect place to pursue his master’s degree.

By United with Israel Staff

Belgian child prodigy Laurent Simons, 9, met with the Israeli Embassy in Brussels Ambassador Emmanual Nahshon earlier this week to ask for assistance in exploring his advanced studies in Israel. He wants to study bio-technology, medicine, and bio-engineering, in tandem, hoping to eventually design prosthetic organs, YNET reported. His Twitter account says he is studying for a Ph.D in medicine.

Simons, who is not Jewish, boasts an IQ of 147. He is the youngest child in the world to complete high school and has a graduate degree from Eindhoven University of Technology in electronic engineering. He nearly completed the three-year degree in 10 months. However, he did not quite succeed. The university said that rushing the prodigy would stunt his development in “insight, creativity and critical analysis.”

The family requested Nahshon’s help in finding the best university in Israel for the young boy to earn his Master’s degree. They believe he can best reach his potential and “enjoy a community suitable for a 10-year-old boy” by studying at one of Israel’s many universities or colleges, said the YNET report.

The family said they “heard good things” about academic studies in Israel and the beauty of the country.

Before beginning his Israeli studies, Simons would like to “master the Hebrew language.”

Prestigious universities throughout the world have reached out to the Simon’ family, seeking Laurent as a student, the New York Post reported.

“It is a source of pride that this child has chosen to study in Israel,” Nahshon said, according to YNET. “It shows he is not only a genius but also really smart.”

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