United with Israel

Spain Exposed as Mass Financier of Anti-Israel Action

Anti-Israel BDS campaigns are on the rise. (A. Katz/Shutterstock)

Anti-Israel BDS protesters. (A. Katz/Shutterstock)

Pro-Israel organizations have banned together to stop Spain’s financing of anti-Israel organizations. 

The Spanish government’s funding of politicized non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working against Israel is widespread and highly decentralized, correlating to several levels of governance in Spain, a new report on the issue reveals.

NGO Monitor, an independent research institution that monitors other NGOs claiming to fight for human rights, but which in fact assault Israel, reports that in total, politicized funding designated for anti-Israel NGOs amounted to over €5.1 million in 2015 alone.

Spanish funding for NGOs is primarily provided through the Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID), a subdivision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Spanish Cooperation Office in Jerusalem oversees projects funded through AECID.

Several Palestinian beneficiaries of direct funding from the Spanish government have ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist organization designated as such by the US, EU, Canada, and Israel.

The PFLP has been involved in suicide bombings, hijackings, assassinations, and other violence targeting civilians.

Additionally, a number of Spanish NGOs receiving government funding support BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaigns that target Israel economically, culturally, and academically.

Promoting Libelous Claims

“Beyond waging delegitimization campaigns against Israel, these NGOs often promote libelous claims that echo anti-Semitic themes or endorse violence against civilians,” NGO Monitor stated.

Spain is one of the least transparent European countries in terms of NGO funding.

Confronting the issue in the Spanish Parliament in Madrid on Wednesday, NGO Monitor and ACOM, a Spanish non-profit that works to combat BDS, presented their joint report highlighting Spanish funding for NGOs that carry out political warfare campaigns against Israel.

At the event, Member of Knesset (MK) Yair Lapid, encouraged his counterparts in Spain to take steps to prevent government funding for such organizations.

Lapid stated during the proceedings Israel will work with “our friends” to end the funding, “which originates with Spanish taxpayers who oppose terror with all their hearts.”

NGO Monitor has conducted similar campaigns to stop government funding of anti-Israel NGOs in Switzerland, Denmark, and Norway.

Incidentally, a high court in Spain dealt the BDS movement another massive legal blow last week when it annulled yet another resolution by a local council to boycott Israel.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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