Anti-Israel boycotters are trying to bully Puma into canceling its sponsorship of Israel’s national soccer program. Let's tell Puma to stand by Israel!
The anti-Israel boycott campaign has failed in its mission to harm the Jewish state, with some companies even benefiting from the campaign, a comprehensive study shows.
'This decision makes it clear that anyone who calls for a boycott against the State of Israel could find themselves liable for damages...if they’re in Israel or not.'
'You are not to use student requests for recommendations as a platform to discuss your personal political beliefs,' the University of Michigan told anti-Israel lecturer Cheney-Lippold.
'You were lied to. You became another one in a series of people being used by Palestinian terrorist organizations without knowing the facts,' Lapid wrote Lana Del Rey.
In an insane world, if you’d like to see Palestinians gainfully employed, you are denounced as anti-Palestinian. If you prefer that Palestinians remain impoverished, you can call yourself a champion of the Palestinian cause.
'I think they have learned not to meddle with us. Look at what happened to SodaStream that they targeted, and what has happened to them,' Birmbaum said of BDS.
Organizers of the Pop-Kultur Festival affirmed they will not be 'intimidated' by BDS activists who object to the Israeli embassy’s presence among its supporters.
Despite Qatar's attempts to politicize a major debate tournament and its refusal to engage with students from Israel, two Israeli teams topped the European Universities Debating Championship in Serbia.
'Thanks Tel Aviv! It has been a very special night!' Carlos tweeted after the concert. 'What an incredible concert, we are very happy to have been here with you to share and learn from here a little more!'
Students at Edinburgh University voted to boycott Israel. A professor and expert on Middle East taught them, point by point, why they were so wrong. A must read!
In its misguided attempt to punish Israel by boycotting goods produced in Judea and Samaria, Ireland in reality will victimize the Palestinians instead.
Mogherini's 'baseless accusations against me won't stop me from stating the facts: EU taxpayer funds go to NGOs linked to BDS and terror,' stated Erdan.