Uncanny similarities between Trump and Cyrus the Great, together with Isaiah Chapter 45, trigger the question: Was Trump's rise to power Divinely orchestrated?

Are there people anywhere who can honestly say they are completely uninfluenced by others or by their environment?

How can the anointment of Aaron the High Priest, recounted in this week's Torah reading, inspire us?

After the Flood, God promised that He would never again flood the world. But God wanted a reminder of this promise, and therefore, He created the rainbow. But does God really need a reminder?

On the one hand, we are elevated, each soul, a precious and unique possession, and yet on the other, we should be indistinguishable as shifting sand. Which is right?

So essential are proper table manners to being a good Jew that the Yom Kippur confessional includes a beat on the chest for misbehavior in this area.

We all know the expression, “Clothes make the man.”  Is this about creating an external reality via the perceptions of others? Or do the outer garments we wear affect us on an internal level, which then creates a external reality?

Due to Sara's kindness and piety, open miracles were performed specifically for her, including the Divine presence emanating from her tent for all to see.

If your wife asks you if she looks fat, the answer is ALWAYS no. Even if she's expecting triplets! There is NO mitzvah to be honest in this type of situation.

Angels are seen to play an important role in preserving the relationship between God and humans. They frequently carry Divine messages intended for people.

In this article, Rabbi Ari Enkin explains the history and purpose of the 'shamash' – the extra Chanukah candle that is lined up separately from the other eight.

What light does the Torah shed on the wonderful trait of thankfulness? There is one particular commandment (mitzvah) that is completely devoted to expressing gratitude...