Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently in the U.S., and today he addressed the 2014 American Israel Policy Affairs Committee-AIPAC Policy Conference. The Israeli leader reiterated his warning about the danger of a nuclear Iran, demanded Palestinian recognition of the Jewish state and declared that he "will never gamble" with security."

Nuclear talks between the West and Iran and the U.S.-brokered negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are “the two diplomatic issues of the highest order,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Sunday morning in advance of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s arrival in Jerusalem.

Watch Israel's Economics Minister Bennett tell the world said that Iran must be stopped from acquiring nuclear weapons at all costs. "The deal we need will remove Iran's ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. Iran has over 18,000 centrifuges, and we must dismantle them.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had urged Secretary of State John Kerry to reconsider the US decision to move forward with negotiations as long as Iran refuses to halt its nuclear ambitions.