Election surveys published in the final days before Tuesday's vote predict a tight race between the two major blocs: those who support Netanyahu and those against him.
'You were lied to. You became another one in a series of people being used by Palestinian terrorist organizations without knowing the facts,' Lapid wrote Lana Del Rey.
Tributes poured in on Sunday morning from Israeli politicians from across the political spectrum following the death of Senator John McCain on Saturday.
Americans and Israelis are furious upon hearing that Obama may have thwarted a counterterrorism probe into Hezbollah in order to secure the Iran nuclear deal.
The terrorists who murdered seven innocent people and wounded dozens more in London "worship death...but they will not frighten us," Netanyahu stated, vowing to defeat them.
At a rally in Stockholm, Lapid blasted the Swedish government, the media and the U.N. for anti-Semitism, while stating that the Jewish state is here to stay.
An event in memory of Dafna Meir, murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Judea, united Israelis from diverse political streams, including the head of Peace Now.
Completely ignoring reality, the EU has again placed the onus for all conflicts in the Middle East solely on Israel and ruled that Judea and Samaria are prohibited from being included in any deals with the Jewish State.
Parliamentarian Yair Lapid went to Brussels to protest European anti-Israel boycott policies. Meeting with EU Foreign Minister Mogherini, he also condemned the rising number of anti-Semitic attacks.
Israeli politician Yair Lapid, chairman of the Yesh Atid party, was interviewed on CNN where he slammed the EU's hypocritical move to label products from "contested" Israeli areas.
Israel's prime minister, the foreign ministry and politicians across the political spectrum condemned the European Union's decision to label Israeli products from beyond the pre-1967 borders as discriminatory and harmful to peace efforts.
"Israel does not commit war crimes. Israel is defending itself from a murderous terrorist organization that calls for its destruction," Netanyahu stated.
The CEO of France's telecom company Orange told reporters in Egypt that he would withdraw from Israel as soon as possible, saying that he does not want to contribute to the settlement issue.
European Union (EU) foreign ministers have signed a letter calling on the EU’s foreign policy chief to label Israeli products made beyond the 1949 armistice line as “Made in the West Bank.”
The Israeli cabinet, after meeting on Friday, was unanimous in its condemnation of the framework nuclear deal achieved between the P5+1 and Iran a day earlier.
While its political system may be in turmoil, Israel remains the only real democracy in the Middle East. Currently, the nation appears to be on its way to elections.