United with Israel

TERROR SURGE: 172 Palestinian Attacks on Israelis in September


Israeli security forces (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

According to Shin Bet statistics released on Monday, some 172 terror incidents — including 23 shooting attacks — occurred in Judea and Samaria in September.

By Pesach Benson, United with Israel

Two Palestinians were shot and killed while trying to run over Israeli soldiers during an arrest raid near Ramallah on Monday morning. The attack comes amid mounting terror attacks on Israelis in Samaria.

Soldiers from the Egoz unit were searching for a terror suspect in the Jalazone refugee camp, a UNRWA-administered camp between Ramallah and Beit El, when a car accelerated towards them.

The two Palestinians killed — identified as Basel Basbous and Khalid Anbar — were residents of the refugee camp. A third man, identified as Salamah Ra’fat of Beir Zeit, was injured.

None of the soldiers were hurt in the pre-dawn attack.

“During the activity, a ramming attack was attempted against the forces, who responded by firing and neutralized the two suspects,” the IDF said.

Israeli security forces arrested 16 wanted terror suspects in overnight raids across Judea and Samaria.

Terror Surge

The shootings were the latest shooting in Samaria, with nearly 10 such attacks reported in in one week in late September.

According to Shin Bet statistics released on Monday, some 172 terror incidents — including 23 shooting attacks — occurred in Judea and Samaria in September.

The overnight ramming attack followed two Palestinian shooting attacks on Sunday.

On Sunday morning, shots were fired at an Israeli bus and taxi taking special needs children to school children near Elon Moreh. Despite being wounded in the back by a bullet, the taxi driver managed to to continue driving to a nearby army base where he was treated by IDF medics. He is currently listed in light condition.

On Sunday evening, Jews rallying near Itamar to call for greater government action against the attacks were fired upon by Palestinians. One soldier was lightly injured when a bullet struck his leg. Soldiers returned fire and launched a manhunt.

Following a wave of Palestinian terror attacks in the spring that killed 19 people, the IDF launched Operation Wave Breaker, doubling its presence in Judea and Samaria. In five months, Israeli security forces have arrested more than 1,600 terror suspects and foiled hundreds of attacks.

Israeli security forces are on higher alert amid threats of attacks over the High Holidays and Sukkot.



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