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Republican Candidates Blast Iran Deal at Rally as Khamenei Again Threatens Israel

Donald Trump and Republican Candidates Blast Iran Deal at Rally as Khamenei Again Threatens Israel

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up at a rally opposing the Iran nuclear deal in Washington. (AP/Susan Walsh)

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz criticized the Iran nuclear deal at the “Stop the Iran Deal Rally” in Washington, just as Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei released new comments on Twitter bashing Israel and the US.

“We are led by very, very stupid people,” said Trump, who is currently the leading GOP candidate in the polls. He called the deal “incompetent” and pointed to new comments made Wednesday by Khamenei, who posted on Twitter that Israel “will not see next 25 years.”

The tweet included a photo showing the ayatollah apparently walking on a sidewalk painted as the Israel flag, with a quote from an earlier speech by the leader that “God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists.”

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Khamenei also retweeted the frequent Iranian reference to the U.S. as the “Great Satan.”

“We would negotiate and reach agreement in different levels of ‘state, religion or ethnic groups’ with all countries but the Great Satan,” Khamenei tweeted.

“Our president is calling the person who is really the boss in Iran ‘Supreme Leader,’” Trump said at the rally.

“It just came out a little while ago, he said Israel will not exist in 25 years…He also said very very strongly that this is the end of our dealings with the United States…So, they rip us off, they take our money, they make us look like fools, and now theyre back to being who they are. They don’t want Israel to survive…with incompetent leadership like we have right now, Israel will NOT survive,” he said.

In his own speech at the rally, Cruz said that supporters of the Iran nuclear deal will not be able to “wash” blood off their hands as a result of the consequences of the accord, which critics say will enable Iran to use sanctions relief to sponsor terrorism across the Middle East.

“Any commander-in-chief worthy of defending this nation should be prepared to stand up on Jan. 20, 2017, and rip to shreds this catastrophic deal,” Cruz said.

Cruz called the deal “the single greatest national security threat facing America.”

By: JNS.org

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