United with Israel

Two Israelis Shot Dead in Terror Attack in North, Several Wounded

shooting terror hadera

Scene of shooting attack in northern Israeli city of Hadera, Mar. 27, 2022. (Israel Police)

A police spokesperson said that the scene was one that officers have not witnessed in years – “a very serious attack.”

By JNS.org

Two Israelis were killed and several injured in a shooting attack in Hadera on Sunday evening, Israel emergency responders confirmed.

The shooters, reportedly two Arab Israelis from Umm al-Fahm, were shot dead by two undercover security forces who were eating dinner in the area.

Six more people were wounded and evacuated to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, the hospital said – two seriously, one moderate and three in mild conditiion. Others were hospitalized for shock.

“This is a very serious incident,” said Magen David Adom EMT Viki Kelly, who was one of the first on the scene. “We saw six victims, some lying on the road and some on the sidewalk, all with bullet wounds. We performed a primary triage in the field, provided life-saving treatment and transferred [he wounded] to the hospital.”

A police spokesperson said that the scene was one that officers have not witnessed in years – “a very serious attack.”

The spokesperson added that police are investigating the incident alongside the Shin Bet, Israel’s general security service. Defense Minister Benny Gantz is also conducting a situation assessment together with IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, Director of the ISA Ronen Bar, Commissioner of the Israel Police Kobi Shabtai and Head of the IDI Gen. Aharon Haliva.

Police blocked all entrances to the city and helicopters were monitoring the area due to suspicions that there might be a driver who brought the terrorists to the scene in the vicinity.

“This is a difficult and painful evening for the city of Hadera and the State of Israel,” wrote Hadera’s Mayor Nir Ben Haim on Facebook shortly after the incident.

“I would like to send on behalf of all the residents of the city condolences to the families of those killed and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. Together with the security and welfare forces of the Hadera Municipality, we are currently assessing the situation on the ground, and we are preparing to continue our activities tonight to restore security to the city’s residents.”

This is the second shooting attack in a week. Last week, four people were killed in Beersheba in a strikingly similar incident, which was carried out by an Arab Israeli from Hura.

In total, there have been nine attacks since the start of March, murdering six Israelis and wounding more than two dozen others.

Sunday’s attack also took place against the backdrop of a meeting of foreign ministers from Israel, Bahrain, Morocco, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates in the Negev in southern Israel.

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