United with Israel

UN: ISIS Tortures, Murders Children

ISIS child

A young victim of ISIS terror being treated. (Screenshot)

The ISIS reign of terror continues, even subjecting children to various forms of torture and slavery. 

Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) terrorists sell abducted Iraqi children at markets as sex slaves and torture them to death by burying them alive, crucifixion and other sadistic methods, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) reported on Wednesday.

“We are really deeply concerned at the torture and murder of those children, especially those belonging to minorities, but not only from minorities,” Reuters quotes Renate Winter, committee expert, as saying at a news briefing. “The scope of the problem is huge.”

More and more Iraqi boys under the age of 18 are being used by the terrorist group as suicide bombers, bomb makers, informants or human shields to protect facilities against the international coalition’s air strikes, the CRC reported.

Children from the Yazidi sect and Christian communities, as well as from Shi’ite and Sunni Muslim families, have been victims, Winter said.

“We have had reports of children, especially children who are mentally challenged, who have been used as suicide bombers, most probably without them even understanding,” Winter told Reuters. “There was a video placed [online] that showed children at a very young age, approximately eight years of age and younger, to be trained already to become child soldiers.”

In one such video, a 10-year-old boy is seen shooting two alleged Russian spies in the head. A grown man standing next to the child reads out the condemned sentences.

Mass Executions of Children

ISIS is also known for its serious indoctrination of the next generation of Islamic fighters.

The UN body, which reviewed Iraq’s record for the first time since 1998, denounced “the systematic killing of children belonging to religious and ethnic minorities by the so-called ISIL, including several cases of mass executions of boys, as well as reports of beheadings, crucifixions of children and burying children alive.”

A large number of children have been killed or badly wounded during air strikesand shelling by Iraqi security forces, while others died of “dehydration, starvation and heat,” according to the CRC, and ISIS has committed “systematic sexual violence,” including “the abduction and sexual enslavement of children.”

“Children of minorities have been captured in many places…sold in the market place with tags, price tags on them, they have been sold as slaves,” Winter said, giving no details.

The 18 independent experts who worked on the UN report called on Iraqi authorities to take all necessary measures to “rescue children” under the control of the Islamic State and to prosecute perpetrators of crimes.

“There is a duty of a state to protect all its children. The point is just how are they going to do that in such a situation?” Winter said.

Punish ISIS Severely, Muslim Educator Urges

In the meantime, one of Islam’s prominent institutions has voiced harsh opposition to ISIS.

Al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam’s most prestigious and influential center of learning, has called for the killing and crucifixion of ISIS terrorists, expressing outrage over after the burning to death of a Jordanian pilot on Tuesday.

Ahmed elb, head of the university, expressed his “strong dismay at this cowardly act.”

This “requires the punishment mentioned in the Koran for these corrupt oppressors who fight against God and his prophet: killing, crucifixion or chopping off the limbs,” AFP quotes al-Tayib as saying.

“Islam forbids killing of the innocent human soul…. It forbids mutilating the human soul by burning or in any other way even during wars against an enemy that attacks you,” Tayib stated.

By United with Israel Staff
(With files from RT)

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