United with Israel

US Christians Deliver $600,000 to Boost Jerusalem Security

Christian donations

The mobile command vehicle. (Zachi Choresh, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews)

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is providing the City of Jerusalem, border police and local social-service groups with hundreds of thousands of dollars in security equipment and support as part of a life-saving campaign to counter the ongoing terror wave against Israel.

The funds, more than $600,000 from Christians across North America, is part of The Fellowship’s rapid response to the daily stabbings, car attacks and shootings targeting Israelis nationwide for the past few months, especially in and around Jerusalem.

Days after Arab terrorists began stabbing Israelis in this latest terror wave, The Fellowship was among the first organization to provide direct financial aid to terror victims, awarding about $1,040 per person to pay for medical care and lost wages. Already more than 60 people wounded by terrorists have received $64,000.

Among those who received aid for medical expenses was an Israeli soldier, Niv Buhbut, who was stabbed while serving in Judea and Samaria and is still undergoing physiotherapy. “Our unit is serving under the most difficult conditions. We’re cursed and spat at by the Palestinians and we’re not allowed to react. The press wants the world to believe that we’re conquerors, that the IDF is cruel and vicious,” said Buhbut, adding, “The Fellowship’s check is going to be very helpful, but the real gift is the fact that Rabbi Eckstein and the donors are telling us that we’re not alone and they understand the importance of our work. Thank you for standing with us.”

Along with the aid to victims, The Fellowship is providing a $375,000, state-of-the-art mobile-command vehicle to the Jerusalem municipality, to help security forces confront emergencies in real time and enable coordinated, rapid deployment during unfolding events. The command center, scheduled to be delivered this month, is similar to the mobile command vehicles The Fellowship has already provided 65 towns throughout Israel.

Meanwhile, The Fellowship has delivered 4,100 specially equipped backpacks worth nearly $200,000 to the Israel Border Police, which confronts terrorists and rioters every day. The backpacks included mobile phone chargers, fleece jackets, camelback canteens, gloves and neck warmers. The Fellowship also sent a van to deliver ice cream and other treats to border police patrolling around eastern Jerusalem.

The Fellowship is also providing 11 social service organizations across Jerusalem, including social clubs and soup kitchens, with more than $100,000 to hire security guards, and pay for transporting participants to and from their homes.

The Fellowship’s President, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, met with Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in October to announce the imminent delivery of the mobile command vehicle.

“The Fellowship is at the forefront of those who seek to safeguard the welfare and security of Jerusalem’s residents,” Eckstein said. “I am proud to represent hundreds of thousands of Christian donors throughout the world who continually remind Israelis that they are not alone and who support the country during its most difficult hours.”

“I would like to thank Rabbi Eckstein and The Fellowship’s hundreds of thousands of donors throughout the world, who steadfastly stand with Jerusalem in times of need, helping us protect Israel’s national and municipal home fronts,” Mayor Barkat said.

By: JNi.Media.org

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