United with Israel

US Condemns Latest Palestinian Murder of Israeli-American Citizen

Palestinian terror victim

Terror victim Tuvia Yanai Weissman with his wife and child. (Courtesy)

A State Department official condemned the murder of Tuvia Weissman, a US citizen, by Palestinian terrorists.  

The US condemned Thursday’s Palestinian terrorist attack in which two Palestinians fatally stabbed IDF soldier Tuvia Weissman and wounded a civilian at a supermarket situated at Sha’ar Benyamin, north of Jerusalem.

Weisman’s wife and baby were present at his side during the attack.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner confirmed Friday that Weisman was a US citizen. He condemned the attack and said terrorism has no justification.

He said the attack underscores the need for Israelis and Palestinians to reject violence, reduce tensions and restore calm.

Thursday’s deadly attack was the latest in six months of near-daily Palestinian violence which have claimed the lives of 31 victims and wounded some 350.

By: AP and United with Israel Staff

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