United with Israel

Waste Not: Israeli Company Turns Garbage into Energy!

plastic pollution

Plastic pollution (Shutterstock)

The Israeli invention was selected for a special grant provided by a joint U.S.-Israel initiative to advance clean energy technologies.

By United with Israel Staff

Israeli researchers working with a company called Exency in Sderot are developing “a low-cost and high-efficiency solid biomass and solid waste fueled electricity generation system,” according to a recent announcement discussing innovative technology that turns garbage into energy.

Israel’s Ministry of Energy, the Israel Innovation Authority and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced last week that Exency is one of seven clean energy projects developed through Israel and US partnerships that will receive funding from the Binational Industrial Research Development Program (BIRD). Each project addresses energy challenges and opportunities that are important to both countries, thereby improving economic competitiveness, creating jobs and supporting innovation.

“The BIRD Energy program continues to deliver results in energy, enhancing the energy security of both the United States and Israel,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette in an official statemt.

BIRD Energy started in 2009 as a result of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Since then, it has funded 49 projects to date, with a total government investment of approximately $38 million, in addition to the $49 million in matching funds coming from the private sector.

The Israeli researchers from Exency are working with the New Hampshire based Brayton Energy LLC company.

“Direct biomass combustion (solid fuel internal combustion) eliminates much of the costly fuel processing associated with making either bio-oils, ethanol, or standard gasifiers,” explains the Brayton Energy website.

This technology is more reliable than piston engines, more economical than steam turbines, and produces ultra-low pollution emissions, reducing the power generation facilities visibility to surrounding communities.

“Promoting innovations in the field of clean energy technologies is a joint goal of the Israel Innovation Authority, and the U.S,” said Aharon Aharon, Israel Innovation Authority CEO. “This collaboration brings significant value for the development of the cleantech industry in both countries as well as the promotion of additional sectors through effective energy management. The joint projects that have won this round of financing presented promising technological innovations that address clean energy challenges in both countries and worldwide.”

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