United with Israel

WATCH: Allies of Israel Extend Warm Wishes on Its 76th Independence Day

Independence Day military airshow 2019

The Independence Day military airshow flies over Bugrashov Beach in Tel Aviv, May 9, 2019. (Hadas Parush/Flash 90)

Israel, mired in war since Oct. 7th when Hamas terrorists murdered 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped 240 hostages on a murderous rampage in southern Israel, is celebrating its 76th Independence Day.

The country has gone through staggering losses since the last Independence Day, with the usually festive celebrations muted in honor of the victims of the Oct. 7th massacre and fallen soldiers in the Israel-Hamas war.

And with the rise of antisemitism and the brazenness of Israel’s enemies, the support of its allies has never been needed and appreciated more.

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