United with Israel

WATCH: Anti-Semitism is Here in Our Campuses

At the Boston premiere of the film Crossing the Line 2, which deals with the rise of anti-Semitism on North American campuses, leading human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali issued a grave warning.

United with Israel has posted about Crossing the Line 2 – the new face of anti-semitism on campus. We strongly urge every one of our supporters to watch and SHARE this very important video. The situation across North America is increasingly dangerous.

In this video, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a courageous human rights activist, delivers a powerful speech on the issue. As she states, “The more we pretend this is all somewhere far away, the more hopeless and helpless and powerless we feel. This is happening right here.”

Ayaan Hirsi Ali addresses Anti-Semitism on campus at the Boston premiere of Crossing the Line 2

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