United with Israel

WATCH: At Chanukah event, Netanyahu Praises IDF, ‘the Maccabees of our Times’

netanyahu at chanukah event

(Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO)

Netanyahu stands firmly with the “Maccabees of our times – the IDF soldiers and wounded IDF heroes.”

In a message on the first night of Chanukah, in the wake of the passing of an anti-Israel resolution at the UN, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he stands firmly with the “Maccabees of our times – the IDF soldiers and wounded IDF heroes.”

The resolution adopted Friday is “distorted and shameful, but we will overcome it,” the Israeli leader said at an event saluting wounded IDF and security forces and victims of terror.

Stressing US President Barack Obama’s turn from traditional US policy – noting that former President Jimmy Carter, an anti-Israel activist, was another exception – Netanyahu told the crowd that their efforts will not succeed.

“Light will dispel darkness. The spirit of the Maccabees will overcome,” Netanyahu stated.


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