United with Israel

WATCH: Christian Palestinian Begs Israel to Stop PA from Destroying Bethlehem

Anti-Israel and anti-US Palestinians in Bethlehem. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)

A brave member of the Christian community dares to speak out about the Palestinian Authority’s ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims from Bethlehem.

What has happened to the Christian community in Bethlehem since the Oslo Accords era began in the 1990s? Why has Bethlehem’s population of Christians been slashed from around 86 percent of Bethlehem residents in 1993 to less than 22 percent in 2019? Why are Christian Palestinians being brutalized and expelled by the Palestinian Authority?

And why is the Palestinian Authority hijacking Christmas celebrations and turning them into nationalist demonstrations with thousands of Arabs, while only a handful of Christian Palestinians feel safe attending?

The courageous Palestinian Christian in this exclusive TPS video answers these questions, and what he reports is not pretty.

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