United with Israel

WATCH: Everyone is Safe in College but Jews

Columbia University, anti-Israel

Palestinian supporters chant as they march during a protest at Columbia University, Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura, File)

Despite ongoing antisemitic incidents on college campuses, universities continue to fail to ensure the safety of Jewish students.

The prevailing ‘safety first’ mantra on campuses has given rise to a new moral framework, where rhetorical ‘microaggressions’ are treated as acts of violence. However, when faced with moral attacks like ‘sizeism’ or ‘fatphobia,’ there are disciplinary consequences.

Contrastingly, when it comes to threats and calls for genocide against the Jews, the approach is far more permissive—safety is not prioritized, and virtually anything goes.

This attitude is pervasive in prominent universities across the U.S., with antisemitism often downplayed and calls for genocide dismissed as mere harassment, ‘depending on the context.’

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