United with Israel

WATCH: Former Israeli Ambassador Delivers Proud Zionist Rosh Hashana Message

michael oren

Former Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren (Youtube/Screenshot)

Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren delivered a proud – and profound – Jewish Zionist message to people around the world on the occasion of the Jewish New Year.

Dr. Michael Oren – Member of Knesset (Israeli parliament), deputy minister for diplomacy in the Prime Minister’s Office, and former ambassador to the U.S. – discussed the essence of Jewish religious values and their relevance to the modern Jewish State and its mission in the world, balancing tradition with modernity.

Oren, a historian, combined the lessons of Jewish history – from the time of Abraham through to modern Zionism – with Jewish theology.

We are different, but we are proud of it, he said, citing the many global contributions made by the miraculous modern Jewish State, which sets an example to all of humanity.

Listen to Oren’s inspiring Rosh Hashana greeting.



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