Jesus would be the leader of the “resistance” and of the Intifada in “Palestine,” claimed Tarek Khoury.
Former Jordanian MP Tarek Khoury said in a December 25, 2022, show on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that the Jews persecuted Jesus and opposed Christianity throughout its entire history.
Claiming that Jesus called the Jews the “progeny of vipers” and the children of the Devil, he said that the “enmity between Judaism and Christianity is eternal” and that the Jews killed Jesus.
He also said that if Jesus were alive today, he would be the leader of the “resistance” and of the Intifada in “Palestine.”
Former Jordanian MP Tarek Khoury on Hizbullah TV: The Jews Killed #Christ, Drove Nails into His Arms and Legs; The Enmity Between Judaism and Christianity Is Eternal; Were Jesus Alive Today, He Would Lead the Intifada #Christianity #Jordan #Antisemitism @TarekSamiKhoury
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) December 29, 2022
Send 'Warm Winter' Care Packages to Israeli Soldiers - They are Cold!
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