United with Israel

WATCH: ‘I’m a Jew and I’m Proud’

music video proud jew


Despite the rising anti-Semitism and attacks on the Jewish state, the Jewish people must remain not only vigilant, but proud.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise, and many are worried.

This lively musical video by prominent hasidic Jewish singer Benny Friedman encourages Jews not to be fearful, but to celebrate their heritage and remain proud of who they are.

By the same token, the Jewish people must continue to support Israel, notwithstanding the lies and attacks by enemies who promote boycotts and other anti-Semitic acts to weaken the Jewish state.

Click below and experience the joy!

Benny - Ivri Anochi - I'm a Jew and I'm Proud - The Music Video -  בני פרידמן - עברי אנכי

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