United with Israel

WATCH: Iranians Openly Deny Holocaust, Call for Israel’s Annihilation

Iranian cleric at New Zealand Quds Event. (screenshot)

Iranian cleric at New Zealand Quds Event. (screenshot)

Iranian speakers at a New Zealand event for Palestinians called Israel a “cancerous tumor” that has to be “surgically removed.”

“Quds Day” is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan that was started by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 to express hatred for Israel and opposition to Zionism.

To that end, Iran funds, trains, and arms terror groups that share the regime’s goal of destroying Israel and the West.These groups include Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hamas.

Watch these Iranian speakers spew anti-Semitism and call for more terror attacks as well as the destruction of Israel at a New Zealand “Quds Day” event in June 2017.

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