United with Israel

WATCH: Israel Celebrates the Great Jewish Philosopher Maimonides

Book about the great rabbi and philosopher Maimonides. (screenshot)

Book about the great rabbi and philosopher Maimonides. (screenshot)

Maimonides’ impact on religion and philosophy has been felt for close to a millennium and his most famous works are now on display in the Holy Land!

Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, known as “Maimonides” or the “Rambam,” was one of the greatest religious leaders and philosophers of all time. Two amazing exhibitions about Maimonides opened in Israel recently, shedding light on this fascinating historical figure.

While one of his most famous quotes was “teach thy tongue to say, ‘I do not know,’ and thou shalt progress,” Maimonides possessed a wealth of knowledge about Judaism, philosophy, science, medicine, and law.

Now the Israel Museum and the Israel National Library are giving the world an opportunity to learn about Maimonides’ life and work.

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