United with Israel

WATCH: Israeli Arab Blasts Arab Lawmakers for Not Condemning Terror

Yahya Mahamid

Yahya Mahamid (Youtube)

An Israeli Arab who hails from the same community as all three of the Temple Mount terrorists blasts the Arab Knesset members for not condemning the attack. 

Thirteen members of Israel’s legislative body, the Knesset, are from the Arab Joint List party. One even lives in Umm el-Fahm, the hometown of all three Israeli Arabs who killed two Druze policemen standing guard outside the Temple Mount.

Yet not one of the 13 found it appropriate to condemn the shooting of Israeli policemen.

So a local resident of the city took it upon himself to combat the influence of terror on Israel’s Arabs.

Watch Yahya Mahamid, who labels himself a “Zionist Muslim Arab,” take on Arab terror!

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