United with Israel

WATCH: Israeli Minister Bennett Refutes Accusation by MK Zoabi that he was Proud to Kill Arabs

Bennett Puts Arab MK Zoabi In Her Place And Sets the Record Straight About Killing Terrorists


Israeli Arab MK Hanin Zoabi questioned Israel’s reason for outlawing the Islamic Movement and apparently misquoted Education Minister Naftali Bennett, who then delivered a fantastic rebuttal. 

Zoabi questions the reasons for outlawing the Islamic Movement (the answer: incitement to terror), which she believes is not connected to terror. She then attacks Bennett..

She falsely accused him of boasting regarding his time serving in the IDF, claiming that he was “killing Arabs.”

Bennett got up and offered a rebuttal that hopefully had Zoabi fuming.

The IDF does not exist to kill Arabs. The IDF exists to protect the Israeli people from terrorists – most of whom are Islamist.

Bennett tells Zoabi: we should have killed more terrorists

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