United with Israel

WATCH: The Experiment that Exposed Facebook’s Anti-Israel Bias

Shurat Hadin Facebook

Facebook anti-Israel bias. (Facebook)

An Israeli experiment proves what many suspected for a long time. Facebook’s anti-Israel policy has now been exposed!

The Israel Law Center recently conducted an investigation into Facebook’s policy regarding the incitement of racial hatred.

They decided to run an experiment and set up two Facebook pages, “Stop Israelis” and “Stop Palestinians”, both on the same day, both inciting hatred.

Both pages simultaneously posted equally vile posts spewing hatred, intolerance and violence against the “enemy.”

After two days, the organization reported each page and asked Facebook to take them down. Guess which one Facebook considered to be violating its Community Standards and which one didn’t?

Watch this video – you won’t believe what you are about to see!

The big facebook experiment -  ניסוי ההסתה הגדול בפייסבוק

Shurat Hadin said in a statement that it plans to use the results of this entertaining experiment as part of the lawsuit it has filed against Facebook in a New York court, in which the organization accuses Facebook of allowing Islamist radicals to openly recruit and train terrorists and plan terror attacks on its pages.

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, head of Shurat Hadin, said in a statement, “Facebook’s management is required to act immediately against the blatant incitement being waged for years against Jews and Israelis in the social network it owns and manages. The in-depth investigation we conducted proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that [Facebook’s] claims of equality in the face of its conduct against any individual or group of people are at best erroneous and false in the worst case.”

She added: “The investigation we conducted proves that indeed there is bias in favor of one political party and against Israelis and Jews in particular. Jews and Israelis around the world should be very concerned over the results of the investigation and understand that the most famous social network in the world is working actively in favor of the Palestinians.”

(With files from JNi.Media)

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